Umut Yasat
Umut Yasat (b. 1988) is a German artist with a Turkish background and lives and works in Karlsruhe, Germany. Between 2009 and 2014 he studied at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Karlsruhe with Gustav Kluge, Jonas Burgert and Marcel van Eeden. In 2014 he decided to dedicate himself exclusively to a personal artistic concept: Der Stapel, German for the stack. From then on Yasat’s works would be titled “Der Stapel”, always in singular form, followed by a chronological number. At first this process encompassed tiding all of the artist’s previous works together, literally forming a stack, but later it evolved into the agglomeration of not only works of art but several of the artist’s everyday objects – both meaningful and trivial. Yasat works on these sculptures until they reach his own height. This is a self-imposed limit to an endless process, since, if it were possible, there would be only one, incredibly high Stapel, all works being parts of a unique life-long work of art. In 2015 Yasat participated in the junger Westen prize from the Kunsthalle Recklinghausen. In 2020 he was exhibited in the group show City Life at the Museum Arnhem and had two solo shows in Berlin and in Zurich.

Der Stapel 28, 2019
Foam, air, plastic, iron, copper, clay, paper, adhesive, Cardboard, ink,Pencil, Aluminum, Glass, Whiskey,
Tobacco, Wood, Leather, Wool, Cotton, toothpaste, hair,
paint, steel, stainless steel, cork, 175 x 42 x 51 cm.
Courtesy: © GNYP Gallery

Detail: Der Stapel 28, 2019
Foam, air, plastic, iron, copper, clay, paper, adhesive, Cardboard, ink, Pencil, Aluminum, Glass, Whiskey, Tobacco, Wood, Leather, Wool, Cotton, toothpaste, hair, paint, steel, stainless steel, cork, 175 x 42 x 51 cm.
© GNYP Gallery

„Der Stapel 37“, 2019
175 × 70 × 80 cm
Courtesy: the Artist, Photo: © Durjoy Bangladesh Foundation