Rajkamal Kahlon
Rajkamal Kahlon (b. 1974) is a Berlin-based American artist. She has made extensive research into drawing and painting as sites of political resistance. Her interdisciplinary work draws on legacies of colonialism and the material culture, documents, and aesthetics of western ethnography. Kahlon attended the Whitney Independent Study Program and received her MFA from California College of Art. Kahlon’s work has been exhibited internationally including the Taipei Biennale, Meeting Points 7, Labin Industrial Biennial, Croatia, MUHKA, Antwerp, MOMA, Warsaw, MuAC, Mexico City, Weltmuseum Wien, e-flux Gallery, Apex art, and Artist Space. Kahlon’s work will be featured in an upcoming exhibition at the Rubin Foundation’s 8th Floor Gallery in NYC this fall with three solo exhibitions in the US, Netherlands and Germany scheduled for 2021.

”You've Come a Long Way, Baby!", 2011, Ink, gouache and acrylic on archival digital print, from the Double Take series, 84 x 62 cm

”Untitled" from the "We've Come a Long Way to be Together" series, 2019, book pages and acrylic on canvas, 100 x 63 cm