Omar Chowdhury

Installation view
‘Netting, 2020, 1200 x 600, two (2) pieces, PVC Scaffolding net, threading, hooks, clips.
Window grills, 2019, 200cm x 182cm x 24cm, Welded steel, metal paint, bolts. Synced street lights, 2019 200cm x 35cm x 125cm (2) Used street lights, LED strips, controller (Arudino with code), cabling, bracket, screws.
Photograph (#1046a), 2019 18.5cm x 15.5cm (35cm x 25.6cm framed), Inkjet print on archival photo paper.
Photograph (#1046b), 2019 18.5cm x 15.5cm (35cm x 25.6cm framed), Inkjet print on archival photo paper.
Sound (#1046), 2016–2019 Mono, 3m40s28, Speaker, cabling, custom bracket.
Film (#1047), 2016–2019 Single channel, 9m30s, stereo, colour, ProRes 422, 28” Hantarex
monitor, display convertor, Mac mini, speaker, cabling, 2x4 wood, paint

‘Augustijn, 2019, Three channel, variable dimensions, 62 minutes, ProRes 422 (delivery in H.264 MOV), colour, three channel audio.'

‘Lights, 2018, TL light housing, LED strips, electrical controller, Arudino, electrical wire, fishing
wire, attachments.
Echo, Saturn Prologue, 2018, 1 channel, HD ProRes, 14m35s, colour, stereo, 17:9. Cease and desist letter, 2018, Inkject on printer paper, maker pen, 3 frames, 82cm x 34cm’