David Dalla Venezia
Born in Cannes, France
Scent of Time
Oil on canvas 40x30cm, 2019
My purpose in these two weeks has been to put my experience as a painter at the disposal of my fellow participants, in an attempt to emancipate myself from my subjectivity as a mean of representation. Each one of the paintings I created is thus the result of an interaction with every single participant with whom I shared ideas, space and time during these past days.
Born 1965 in Cannes, France, David Dalla Venezia grew up between the French city and Venice, developing since childhood a strong interest in painting. In 1973, he returned to Venice, where he graduated in art history and philosophy at the local university. After spending a period in Nice, he returned to Venice, where he held his first solo exhibition at Bac Art Studio Gallery in 1989. His pictorial production merges traditional and contemporary influences, including the pop culture of twentieth century, classical mythology and its psychoanalytic interpretation by Jung and Freud, Greek and contemporary philosophy.
Selected solo exhibitions include “Palyngenesis”, Greskewitz Kleinitz Galerie, Hamburg, Germany, 2015; “Psychophagòmenos”, Galerie Eikelmann, Düsseldorf, Germany, 2014; Galleria L’Occhio II, Venice, Italy, 2011; “Il risveglio del pittore”, Entroterra, Brescia, Italy, 2010; “Choses d’après nature”, Manni Art Gallery, Lido – Venice, Italy, 2010; Galerie Eikelmann, Düsseldorf, Germany, 2009; Galleria Davico, Turin, Italy, 2008. Between the group shows which he was featured in, “Sua Cuique Persona [L’autoritratto come maschera e specchio]”, Palazzo Costanzi, Triest, Italy, 2018; II Biennale d’Arte Contemporanea di Salerno, Palazzo Fruscione, Salerno, Italy, 2018; II Biennale d’Arte Contemporanea di Salerno, Palazzo Fruscione, Salerno, Italy, 2016; “Il Vuoto e le Forme 5.: Percorso Animale”, Chiavenna – Sondrio, Italy, 2016; Biennale Internazionale Arte Sacra, Palazzo Donà, Venice, Italy, 2016.

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